I'm back from my week long vacation from writing. It was a good week. In my head, I traveled to Vegas and threw down some money on the hard 8's and then smacked a waitress in the ass. In reality, I stayed home and basically played video games while telling the world around me that I was very busy doing very important parenting things. But I submit that destroying the locust horde coming out of the ground is very important to the future of humanity.
Some things happened while I was away that I wanted to put on here.
Earlier this year I and some other Stay At Home Dads gave an interview to Redbook magazine. This is not the first interview I have given but is probably the biggest outlet. I was pleased to do it and I was pleased that I got the first quote in the article. When my wife read my quote she looked at me and said "That really sounds like something you would say", thus giving my quote authenticity of a Hossman blog. Honestly, I was just talking to the reporter while hiding in the bathroom away from my kids. When I do give interviews, I do find that the only way to hear anyone is to pretend that I'm pooping so my kids don't constantly try and take the phone away and tell the caller about the wonders of Playdoh. It comes in many colors!
But out of the interviews that I have given, and the articles I have read on the stay at home dad life, this is one of the better ones. It's actually a positive story that doesn't paint us as lazy bums or assume that we are out of work because we have to be.
The article basically profiles several stay at home dad groups. I am a member of KCDADS. They give each group a nickname, such as the diplomats or the communicators. The Austin Dads are the Laid back Dudes. But I am most proud of the KCDADS name.
We are the Adventurers. That seems to fit. In the article it briefly mentions that we took the kids to psychiatric musuem and that it didn't so work out so well. Those who follow this blog probably remember reading about that and if not I will find it later and post it in the comments section. Another trip that didn't work out so well was when the minions and I basically desecrated a Mormon Holy place. When the Mormons ask you to leave then you know that you haven't been on your best behavior.
Anyway, the article is in this month's issue of Redbook which my wife says that I'll gladly sign. She seems to get a bigger kick out of this than I do. But if you don't want to blow 4 bucks to read more about Hossman then here is the link to the online article:
Now because you follow this blog I'm going to give you a quote that didn't make the magazine because after I said it, I asked that it not be used because it perhaps went to far.
Redbook fact checker: "Did you make the quote about the episotomy?"
Hossman: "Yup, that was me. I know what they are and if you get a good doctor he might actually throw in a daddy stitch for you."
Redbook fact checker: "A daddy stitch?"
Hossman: "um, please forget I said that."
Coming up in the Hossman multi media tour will be a radio interview that I also gave a while back that is supposed to air in October. Finally, just throwing this out there, I was asked to do another TV show. It does not appear that this one will work out either as I have now decided that I am not "TV Pretty". I'll just stick to print media from now on.
Have a great week and more funny stories will be coming on Wednesday and Friday. Hopefully. If the kids break something which gives you pretty good odds. Just wait five minutes, it'll happen.
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