
New Blogs Coming

First off, thanks for all the questions about the blog. Rest assured that the blog will be coming back in the new year. Turns out that in early December the whole family got hit with the bug, which of course means that I can't be sick, even when I am. There are no off days for this whole stay at home dad thing. Little Hoss then got the croup and would cough until she puked. I considered sacrificing chickens or using leaches but instead heeded my wife's advice and went to the doctor.
Then the holidays came, of course.

But all that is behind us now, including my birthday, my annual competition with Jesus for attention. Coming Monday all new blogs are coming and we will get back on a regular posting rhythm again, nice and smooth, easy going, almost like blogging yoga. Do the dog walk.

Happy Holidays to all and will see you on Monday.



The Hossman Family is currently suffering from the plague. I suspect that some flea has migrated on rats into our house, thus causing all of us to be afflicted with this foul disease. Or we all just have the flu but where is the drama in that? Either way, I'm burning all our sheets and calling in a priest. Please bear with us for the rest of the week until new posts are up.